Trunk Reservations
Trunks are available on a first come, first served basis, and may be checked out free of charge for a period of four weeks. To reserve a trunk, please complete our Trunk Reservation Form below. Upon receiving confirmation of your trunk reservation, you may pick up your trunk at the Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio, 12500 N.W. Military Highway, from 9:00 am-3:00 pm Monday-Friday or Sundays from 1:00 pm-4:00 pm. Please call the museum before picking up your trunk to ensure that staff are available to assist you.
Types of Trunks
High School – English Language Arts, History / Social Studies, We Share the Same Sky
Middle School - English Language Arts, History / Social Studies
Trunk Inventory
Trunk Inventory Sheets are available online (list above), and a copy will be provided with each trunk. Review the inventory immediately after pick-up to ensure the contents of the trunk correspond to the inventory list. If there are any discrepancies, make a notation on the sheet and email our staff at: within 48 hours of the pick-up date.
Trunk Feedback
In order to continue providing our trunks free of charge, it is essential that our generous sponsors understand the true impact of their gift. As “payment” for receiving the trunk, the Museum asks that each teacher and/or the students write a Letter of Thanks detailing the impact of our program. Place the letter(s) in the trunk and it will be forwarded to the recipient.
The educator trunks are provided through generous contributions from the Alex and Sally Halff Foundation, the Charity Ball Association and the Dalkowitz Charitable Trust.