A separate registration is required for each of the workshops

Texas Holocaust Remembrance Week: Cross Curricular Connections with the Museum

We are excited to offer an in-person workshop this year in preparation for Texas Holocaust Remembrance Week. Educators are invited to join us in critically analyzing the survivor testimony of Rose Williams to create a snapshot moment using reading, history, science, math, and art! This workshop brings together all corners of the campus to create a visual storytelling animation of a pivotal moment in Rose's testimony.

Educators who attend will leave with the tools, template, and most important, hands-on experience, in creating animated visual stories to confidently implement in their own classrooms or with the help of other departments on campus. All supplies for the workshop are included but are easy to replicate utilizing materials you can find in or around the classroom.

The HMMSA offers a variety of workshops during the year and is certified by the Texas Education Agency to issue CPE’s to teachers attending any of our educational events. Holocaust educators are welcome to contact the museum for help in developing Holocaust related instructional units and/or using our educational resources to support the teaching of the Holocaust.

To receive information about upcoming programs and workshops, please call us at 210.302.6807, or send us an e-mail.

Contact hmmsainfo@jfsatx.org for more information our professional learning programs