Seeking Justice: The Real Nazi Hunters


After World War II many German soldiers discarded Nazi items they acquired during their military service.

2019.6.6Nazi era German Wound Badge. This decoration was awarded to soldiers who sustained wounds in combat.


Nazi era German Wound Badge. This decoration was awarded to soldiers who sustained wounds in combat.

1999.7.1Nazi pilot dagger. Daggers like this one were used by the German Deutscher Luftsportverband (DLV) Glider Pilots and the Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps (NSFK), it is unclear which organization this dagger belonged to as primary way of d…


Nazi pilot dagger. Daggers like this one were used by the German Deutscher Luftsportverband (DLV) Glider Pilots and the Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps (NSFK), it is unclear which organization this dagger belonged to as primary way of differentiating the two is based on the engraving on the scabbard which is missing in this example.

1999.7.3Nazi Observer's Badge (Beobachterabzeichen). This German military decoration was awarded to members of the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) after completing two months of qualifying service and five operational flights in the role of observer, n…


Nazi Observer's Badge (Beobachterabzeichen). This German military decoration was awarded to members of the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) after completing two months of qualifying service and five operational flights in the role of observer, navigator or bombardier.

Portion of Eichmann testimony at his trial from album in HMMSA collection
6 Million Accuse:An Actual Recording of the Adolph Eichmann Trial Held in Israel
2019.5.1 Handwritten postcard from HMMSA collection. This postcard was sent by Laszlo Mermelstein to his wife after he was extradited to the custody of the Hungarian Gendarmie (police) and was awaiting transport to Auschwitz. During World War II, th…

2019.5.1 Handwritten postcard from HMMSA collection. This postcard was sent by Laszlo Mermelstein to his wife after he was extradited to the custody of the Hungarian Gendarmie (police). During World War II, the Gendarmerie was supposed to destroy any opponents of the Hungarian regime and was responsible for carrying out the regime's anti-Jewish policies.


Translation from donor:

My Precious Little Wife!
Hegyesh. November 5, 5PM
Here we received a good hot dinner from the Red+ and it reminded me that You should call Her Excellence Red Cross President Sarolta Lukacs (referring to Csergo, who is on good terms with her) and find out if the R+ forwards letters to Auschwitz, where allegedly we'll be assigned to work groups. My Precious Little Wife, be patient and don't think much about me. May God bless You.
Your Laci, adoring You 'till the grave.

Front side:

If l would not come back M. (unintelligible name) will stand with you like a brother.

T. Mermelstein Laszlone
VIL Bethlen Ter 2.