Exhibit Reservations
Traveling exhibits are available on a first come, first served basis, and may be checked out free of charge for a period of up to four weeks. To reserve an exhibit, please complete our Exhibit Reservation Form to the right. Upon receiving confirmation of your exhibit reservation, you may pick up your exhibit at the Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio, 12500 N.W. Military Highway, from 9:00 am-3:00 pm Monday-Friday or Sundays from 1:00 pm-4:00 pm. Please call the museum before picking up your exhibit to ensure that staff are available to assist you.

Exhibit Collections:
Introductory Level
This exhibit explains the concept of genocide, the events that led up to the Holocaust, and the effects of Hitler’s rise to power on the Jewish people in Germany.
Don’t have a place to set up the exhibit? View a digital copy HERE
Download our accompanying worksheet packet to further explore the Introductory level exhibit HERE
Intermediate Level
This exhibit focuses on what life was like for people of Jewish heritage during the Holocaust; particularly the effects of propaganda, the loss of citizenship, living conditions in the ghettos and killing centers, and acts of Jewish resistance.
Don’t have a place to set up the exhibit? View a digital copy HERE.
Download our accompanying worksheet packet to further explore the Intermediate level exhibit HERE
Seeking Justice: The Real Nazi Hunters
Learn more about the aftermath of World War II and the ongoing efforts to bring Nazi war criminals to justice in this exhibit.
Don’t have a place to set up the exhibit? View a digital copy HERE
Times of Betrayal & Defiance
For audiences that want to dive deeper into the history of the Holocaust, this exhibit follows the story of one man who risked his life to help his Jewish employers in France during the Nazi occupation.
Don’t have a place to set up the exhibit? View a digital copy HERE
Beyond our physical needs, humans also depend on each other for social interaction to sustain our well-being. When a person experiences prolonged isolation from friends and family, negative changes can occur such as changes in sleep cycles, depression, anxiety, or panic attacks. Social isolation also increases our chances of developing certain illnesses and diseases like stroke and dementia. For survivors of Hitler’s twelve-year regime the long-term effects of isolation continue to affect them decades after the Holocaust.
Don’t have a place to set up the exhibit? View a digital copy HERE
Download our accompanying worksheet packet to further explore the Intermediate level exhibit HERE and HERE
War of Ideas: Nazi Censorship
If you can’t visit our museum in person to check out this exhibit, download a copy HERE.
German Resistance
Featuring different types of resistance and their histories, this exhibit delves into The White Rose, The Red ‘Orchestra’ and The Edelweiss Pirates.
If you are unable to come in person or need a digital copy, access this exhibit HERE.
Righteous Among the Nations
This exhibit made possible by Yad Vashem highlights the Righteous Among the Nations and their stories. Please contact us through the form to check out this exhibit.
Download our accompanying lesson plan made for grades 3-5 to use in your classroom HERE.
View our local generational survivor, Varda Ratner, tell her family’s connection to a Righteous HERE.
Exhibit Feedback
In order to continue providing our exhibits free of charge, it is essential that our generous sponsors understand the true impact of their gift. As “payment” for receiving the exhibit, the Museum asks that each teacher and/or the students write a Letter of Thanks detailing the impact of our program. Place the letter(s) in the exhibit transport case or email it to bookings@hmmsa.org and it will be forwarded to the recipient.
The traveling exhibits are provided through generous contributions from the Nathalie & Gladys Dalkowitz Charitable Trust and the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission.